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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Microsoft in Education Partners in Learning (PiL) Malaysia_21-230414

I was fortunate to be the selected few to undergo a course in association with Ministry of Education and Microsoft.

It's the first day and hopefully there's more to come!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Lawatan Penanda Aras SMK Sri Wangi, Gua Musang ke PS Iqra'_170414

Today, we are honoures to receive yet another visit from SMK Sri Wangi. We'll be happy to share our experience and knowledge with them!


Monday, April 14, 2014

Lawatan PKG BADAK ke Pusat Sumber Iqra_150414

Today, we've been visited by two officers from PKG Badak. Hopefully, PSI is still up to par!


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

NIE MH370 with 4C_310314

So, it all started with Amirul Aiman writing Pray for MH370 on his exam paper.

Instead of scolding him for it, I praised him and urged others in 4C to pray for MH370 too.

And we made an NIE acitvity concerning MH370.

Hopefully, there's still hope of them returning back alive. 

Golden Holiday_220314

As usual, what would school holiday mean without extra classes?